Islamic Eschatology Through a Biblical Lens

A discussion inspired by 3810.

Biblical Foundation

Where in the Bible does it talk about a false prophet who works with the Antichrist to deceive the world?

The Bible mentions a false prophet who works with the Antichrist in the book of Revelation, specifically in chapters 13 and 19.

In Revelation 13:11-15, it describes a beast that comes out of the earth, and it has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. This beast exercises all the authority of the first beast, the Antichrist, before it. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and it deceives those who dwell on earth by the signs that it was allowed to do in the presence of the beast. This beast is commonly interpreted as the false prophet.

Revelation 19:20 speaks of the end of this false prophet's reign, stating that the beast and the false prophet were captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

Islamic Eschatological Timeline

What is the Muslim eschatological timeline? Do they have a messiah? Does their messiah, if they have one, pay for their sins, or does their scripture teach that one must redeem oneself with Allah directly in order to receive eternal life?

In Islamic eschatology, the end of the world is preceded by a series of events, including the appearance of the Antichrist (Dajjal), the return of Jesus (Isa), the emergence of the Mahdi (a messianic figure), the Gog and Magog, the resurrection of the dead, and the Day of Judgment.

The timeline of these events is not explicitly laid out in Islamic scripture, and there are different interpretations among Muslim scholars and communities.

Muslims believe in the coming of a messiah-like figure, known as the Mahdi, who is believed to come before the end of the world and restore justice and righteousness on Earth. However, the Mahdi is not seen as a divine figure or savior who can forgive sins or redeem people.

In Islam, the concept of salvation is based on the belief in the oneness of God (Tawhid) and the submission to His will (Islam). Muslims believe that one must worship and obey God, do good deeds, and seek His forgiveness in order to attain eternal life in paradise. There is no concept of a messiah paying for sins in Islam, as it is seen as a personal responsibility to seek forgiveness and redemption from God directly.

Can you summarize the basic beliefs about Mahdi, who he is, and what he does before Jesus or the Antichrist enter the world?

According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi is a figure who will appear before the end of times and will restore justice and righteousness on Earth. He is seen as a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and is believed to have been born but has yet to reveal himself publicly.

The Mahdi is expected to appear during a time of great turmoil and chaos and will lead the believers in a struggle against injustice and tyranny. He will establish a just and fair society based on Islamic principles and will bring about a period of peace and prosperity.

The Mahdi is believed to have a special relationship with Jesus (Isa) and will acknowledge him as a prophet and messenger of God. Some Islamic traditions suggest that Jesus will descend from heaven and join the Mahdi in his mission.

The exact details of the Mahdi's role and actions before the appearance of Jesus or the Antichrist are not clear and vary among Islamic scholars and traditions. However, there is a general belief that he will play a crucial role in preparing the way for the final events of the end of times.