The Feast of Passover

Passover is next week! God has been moving a lot lately (or allowing things to be moved), and I’m excited to see what he has next for us as we head into perhaps the most relevant Jewish feast to the end times, the feast of the book of Exodus.

My Interpretation

The feast of Passover commemorates God's mercy on the Jews while they were in captivity by the Egyptians. As God passed judgment upon the hardened heart of Pharaoh and his people, God passed over the Jews who faithfully listened to his commands. After being spared from God's wrath upon Egypt, God blessed the Jews again by delivering them from their captivity in Egypt and guiding them to the promised land of Israel (Exodus 11-13).

This story is reminiscent of the second coming of Christ when he will mercifully pass over his faithful church and rescue/rapture them from the judgment and wrath that is to come upon the whole Earth during the tribulation (which also parallels God's actions in the days of Noah (Genesis 6:9-7:5)). Later, in the total fulfillment of all God's promises, both the Jew and the Gentile will be completely delivered from their fallen captivity, and enter into the new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem promised to us long ago (Revelation 21-22).

ChatGPT's Interpretation

Some scholars do relate the story of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to the end times of the Bible. This is often done through the concept of typology, which sees certain events or figures in the Bible as prefiguring or foreshadowing later events or figures.

In this view, the story of the Exodus is seen as a type, or foreshadowing, of the ultimate salvation that will come at the end of time. Just as the Israelites were saved from slavery in Egypt and led to the promised land, so too will believers be saved from sin and death and led to the new Jerusalem at the end of time.

Some scholars also see parallels between the plagues that struck Egypt in the Exodus story and the plagues described in the Book of Revelation as part of the end times. They see these as both symbolizing God's judgment on evil and His ultimate victory over it.